Tuesday 20 March 2012

Dilemma No.2

7 October 2011

Short and sweet today and is a dilemma……..

Myself and my good lady and a few friends are attending a casino night charity function held by my work next Friday.  Has potential for a really good night so am looking forward to it, however…….

Its Smart dress or Dress suits so I tried on my 2 suits the other day. One is way too big in the stomach region and the other to small in the same area. (Put on a few pounds of holiday weight :-) ) 

So dilemma is simple…….

Do I………

(a) Stuff myself with crap but lovely food to bulk up and fit the big
(b) Starve myself for the next 8 days to slim down and fit the little one
(c) Buy a new suit then I’ll have one for the slim me, fat me and obese 
(c) Rent a dress suit
(d) Wear a dress and say I miss understood the instructions

Your thoughts………………

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