Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Walk Rage

19 January 2012

Its only 7.30am but already this day is going downhill.

Got the first half of a root canal treatment on Tuesday and had the nerve dug out but have to go back for next stage next week.  He warned me it might get sore but I was thinking I’d got away with it until 3am this morning when I woke with a pain that felt like someone had hit me on the side of the head with a sledgehammer. 

Now the left side of my face is swollen up like a football. Woe is me………..

Then when I got to work I was nipping around to the shop and got involved in a "walk rage" incident.

I was striding along and approaching a guy dandering in the same direction talking on his phone.  I went to go around him but as I did he sped up and was then walking along beside me at the same speed.  Don’t know why it is but there’s something a bit uncomfortable about a stranger walking close beside you, invasion of space or something, so I sped up.

The wee bastard, still on his phone, sped up as well.  This was now feeling a bit freaky and a problem was looming as I was on his right but wanted to turn left in about 20yds.  I realised if I slowed down and went behind him he would have won whatever game we were playing so I had to time a spurt of speed just right then cut across him without tripping both of us up. 

I waited until the optimum moment and went for it.  I caught him off guard and as soon as I was one stride ahead I swung across to the left. Believe it or not I think he actually was speeding up and he had to stop to avoid a collision.  I looked back and he was staring after me with a “What the fuck are you playing at” sort of look.  Yea right weirdo, I won………..

Last thing is almost too horrible to type so bear with me.  I had parked the car at work and got out.  As I walked to the door I dropped my Teacake.  Not the end of the world you may say, but I then stood on it.  I could see I was about to do it but was mid stride and my world went into slow motion as I watched my foot descend onto today’s love of my life.  I managed to salvage some of it and laid it to rest in my stomach but now I have nothing to look forward to.  Woe is me again…………….

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