Thursday, 12 April 2012

Why do Women Like Diamonds so Much?

16 November 2011

Quick Al quote to start the day. 

Was lying in bed this morning and heard Al checking the time on her phone.

Me: “Are you awake?” (Ok I admit a stupid question).
Al: “I have had a terrible sleep” she excitedly replied “Nightmares and weird dreams all night”

Me: "Might be the nicotine patch you’re wearing maybe it’s too strong.”
Al: “I don’t think so.  I had it on all day and nothing happened”
Me : “That’s probably because you weren’t asleep then……….duh”
Al : [giggles]

Continuing on the female thinking theme ‘Real Housewives of New York’ ended last night and there are no other series on at the moment that we haven’t seen.  I’ve mentioned them before but for those who forget it’s a series following 6 very wealthy New York women and their socialising and party going and of course there personal interactions.  There are quite a few of these programs covering Beverly Hills, Orange County, Miami, etc etc and we love them.

Now you might think that’s a bit 'gay' of me to like these sorts of programs but it’s really interesting to watch how women interact and the thought processes behind those actions.  We watched a rather badly acted film the other day starring Mel Gibson called 'What women want' and there was one line in it that I particularly liked..... "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.  The man who speaks Venutian has it made".  I'm trying to be that man.  I see myself as a second year language student and I'm starting to get the hang of the more difficult tenses.  Still think the language is way over complicated and it’s a bit like French in that it would be nice to speak fluently but you wouldn't want to live there.  Still I think I'm starting to get into the female psyche and it is an interesting if somewhat bewildering place to be. 

I have a few questions though so here is one for you ladies to assist me with.

Why do you like diamonds so much????

Now that might seem like an obvious question but normally if you ask you get stock answers like:

“They're an investment” (Bullshit once you’ve got them there’s more chance of Osama Bin Laden winning the Noble Peace Prize than getting you to sell them).

“They look so good” (Can’t say they do much for me but accepting that answer their look can be replicated by much cheaper things).

“I just like them.  So shut up” (Not really an answer at all).

So ladies I want you to be honest and delve into your own heads and tell the truth.  It’s part of my Thesis for my Venutian course so you’d be helping me out :-).  My own theory………It’s a sign to other woman (not men cos they wouldn’t notice) how highly you are valued by the man that bought it for you.  Hence when a woman gets engaged the very first thing that is said is “Oh let me see the ring” and you all then do a quick valuation.  Go on, tell me I’m wrong......

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