Monday, 9 April 2012

We're Going to be Famous!!

11 November 2011

Got up this morning and went downstairs and was set upon by 5 crazy dogs.  Made some toast and they all just sat staring at me.  Didn't beg, just sat and stared as if to say “You eat away Dad.  Don’t worry about us.  We’ll be fine [sigh!!!]”  It’s one thing giving a bit to one but when there is five it doesn’t go far so ended up with a half a slice of toast for brekkie [sigh!!!].

Anyhow good news.  We are gonna be famous, hurrah!  Photographer has been trying to get pics of us and the trike for 6 months but either he or I or Al or the weather weren’t good so it never happened. 

A bit of forward planning had made last Sunday the day for it all to go down.  Weather great and all off work if somewhat hungover in our case from Al’s party. 

Had told the dogs what was happening and Layla had gone into full diva mode.  She has previously won a puppy training competitions, a fact she loves to let you know, and felt she would be the star of the show.  She wanted to know if there would be a makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist the whole works and whether she would have her own trailer.

Lucy was more laid back and really couldn’t care less, Alfie just wanted to be sure the photos didn’t make him look gay and Loca wanted to know if there would be any chicken to eat.

The guy wanted to go to Crawfordsburn Country Park to do the pics so off we went.  Layla was in a funny mood just lying down and when we got there I asked what was wrong.  “I don’t know my lines” she said “What’s my motivation?  What’s the character thinking.  There’s no way I’m going naked unless it’s essential to the plot.”

I explained all she had to do was sit up with her goggles on and look miserable like boxers always do and stop whinging.  I was already starting to regret the whole thing and Alfie chirped in he hated his coat as it made him look like a fairy which was fair enough cos it did.  Lucy was sleeping and Loca was very alert as we had told her this was where the chickens live and to keep out a sharp eye and we’d try and catch one.

Al up to this point had been quite quiet on the back.  I had tried to persuade her to “Get the tits out for the boys” so we could make it into a national paper but she was having none of it even when I pointed out they were technically mine as I paid for them.  She had insisted in being at the shoot but it wasn’t long before the complaints started “I’m coldy”, “How much longer?”, “What’s keeping this idiot?”, “Drive slower”, “Watch that car” all the usual stuff.

Eventually job done we returned home and the guy said he’d let us know how he got on with selling the pics.  First to show interest was the “Black Lesbian Eskimo Snail Breeders of Lithuania Biannual” not a particularly mainstream magazine but better than nothing.  Then yesterday a journalist from the Sunday Life rang and said they were gonna use some.  Cool.  I did a quick telephone interview which included plenty of “No comment” and “Those charges were never proven”.

Anyway to cut a long story short we should, and I repeat should to avoid embarrassment if we don’t, appear in the aforementioned publication this Sunday.  Feel free to tell people you knew us before we were famous and keep an eye out for our first book “Concierging. A job with a French name” which will be out in the Spring.

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