Monday 16 April 2012

2 Weeks off the 'Chewies'

23 November 2011

Today makes 2 weeks off the 'chewies' and so far so good.  Al however is turning in to a hate-the-world and is wandering around with a face like a well slapped arse.

Helen our ‘niece’ Skyped us from New Zealand last night and it was all Al could do to drag herself to the computer and grumble her way through a conversation.  Don’t take it personally Helen you want to try living with it.  If she keeps this up I’m buying her some fags.

Have to give her credit though for sticking at it, as her work is stressful and the quick calming affects of a well aimed 'chewie' are very tempting. So you go get 'em girl I am waiting on the other side for you to re-emerge as a beautiful nicotine free butterfly.

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