Saturday 14 April 2012

Riley Goes on a Diet

19 November 2011

Nice evening last night with Kelly, Andrew and the kids who came to ours to celebrate Kelly’s birthday.  As always I will remain the gentleman and not state her age but she has no memory of 1976 and only the vaguest memory of 1978.  'Nuff said.

It was from them that we acquired our latest dog ‘Riley’ and one of the issues the dog had when it arrived was it was carrying a little excess weight.  We reckoned a bit of exercise would soon sort her out but when the guys saw her last night they came to the conclusion she had actually put on weight and to be honest I think they are right.

She is a bit of a Dyson and hoovers up anything the others leave, has a bottomless pit for a stomach and is literally insatiable.  She ate that much yesterday including left over Chinese and birthday cake she is starting to look like a barrel with legs.

We are turning out to be not very good adoptive parents and should really be struck from the list but today is the first day of the rest of her life and she goes on a diet.  She is gonna hate it with a passion but it has to be done.

Al if you are reading this take a picture of that barrel of lard and post it so folk can see the before.  (No not you, the dog you idiot. Hehe I’m so funny).

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