Thursday 5 April 2012

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

4 November 2011

Good morning all. 

I’m not feeling very funny at the minute because I’m pissed off.

I don’t usually get annoyed or angry as I generally see them as wasted emotions and if someone or something bugs me I just suck it up, learn the lesson if there is one and move on.

Al and I are good people and if that sounds arrogant so be it.  We are the first to offer help advice or assistance where needed but of course we may not always get it right.  That said anyone who knows us knows our motives are genuine and our efforts are the best we can offer and no matter what inconvenience or expense is involved we will always do what we think is right and not take the easy option. 

Many friends and relatives have told us over the years we are far too soft and they are probably right but I have no intention of changing that because most people appreciate it for what it is.  I would rather help the odd undeserving person than risk ignoring someone in real need. 

That said two new rules apply:

1/ “You can’t please all the people all of the time” so stop trying


2/ “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Now I feel better for that. I can get on with my day.............Life’s too short xxx

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