Tuesday 24 April 2012

The World Has Finally Gone Mad

22 December 2011

Ok, the world has finally gone mad.

Was chatting to a guy in my work who proudly told me he is withholding sex from his wife at the minute and has been for nearly two months.

That earned a double take and a “Run that by me again”.

Why you may ask………………

Did she cheat on him???

Did she spend all his money???

Did she scratch his car???

Did she kick his dog???

None of the above………………She won’t cuddle him enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost fell off my chair.  “She won’t what??” I said

“She won’t cuddle enough.  She just wants sex”, came the reply and I did fall off my chair.

“But that’s perfect you big twat!!!”, I exclaimed, “Are you nuts!!”

“No” he says “I like to cuddle and she doesn’t.  She came home the other night drunk from her work do and was really up for it and I just said no”.

“But but but…….”, I stammered banging my head with the telephone handset in case I was dreaming, “Do you pretend to have a headache or what??”. 

“No.  I just stay up when she goes to bed.  I’ve told her if she cuddles me more I’ll do it though I might because it’s Christmas at the weekend as a surprise.”

This guy is 24!!!!!!  Please God this country never goes to war again.

For once in my life I am speechless……………………………………

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