Friday 13 April 2012

They're Not Carrots You Know!

18 November 2011

Well judging from the various comments on the diamonds subject I think we can clearly state women are show off materialistic sentimentalists with unashamed romantic tendencies and men couldn't give a fiddlers.  While you ladies think we are demonstrating our undying love or whatever by buying the ring of your dreams we are actually just scared of what would happen if we didn’t. 

Ok that’s that sorted what’s next??

Oh yes a little Al’ism…..

I came home the other day from work, as a Concierge, (That’s a job with a French name), and it was late and dark and I asked Al if the dogs had been walked.

Al: “No. It was dark when I got home”

Me: “I’ll take them out now”

Al: “Its dark you idiot they’ll get lost”

Me: “There is ambient light from the city and anyway dogs can see quite well in the dark”

Al: “They’re not carrots you know”

Me: [staring at her with raised eyebrows and shaking head]

Al: [stares back blankly puts hands over face and also shakes head]

She knows what she meant.  She just needs to slow up and give her brain time to finish writing her dialogue.

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