Saturday 17 March 2012

How it All Began - 29 September 2011

29 September 2011

Believe it or not I am only just seeing all these messages for my birthday today as I don't really go on Facebook much.  Can’t even use the age thing as an excuse as Mum and Dad (or Johnny as he prefers) are in their 80's and they are never off it.  They are so down with the kids.  

Anyway thanks very much.  Actually now that I think about it I'm not really sure who will see this.  So if you get this Thanks and if you don't I tried and God luvs a trier..........

30 September 2011

Hey!  I posted on Facebook and people saw cool am I. That’s me hooked.

Ok so my status today is..........At work (as a Concierge. That’s a job with a French name so obviously important). Al taking Helen to airport, Ross home to see his girl (aww sweet).  Rest of kids all over the world.  Dogs up and fed but not walked...bad daddy.  About to have my first game of "Bubblehit". There u go I'm sure that’s made your day more interesting :-)...not!!!!!!!!!

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